Knock Lock App Install

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The reason is that only the developer who created this lock application has the right to change it, maybe in the future if there is any such change, we must include it.

However, thanks to google play store and the developer of the application for giving us this opportunity, let’s get to know about the application.

Knock Lock App Install
Knock Lock App Install

Your Secure and Stylish Four Circles Screen Lock Solution

App Size55MB
RoleScreen Lock Protector
Nowadays Installs500+
Released onAug 18, 2022
Offered ByThe Lotus Infotech

In this application, There are four knock sets in a square example. You can make any example of 4 knocks to make sure about your portable screen.

Knock lock screen, the screen lock is an exceptionally dependable and secure application extraordinarily made for clients who need to conceal their subtleties and applications.

Unlocking the Future with Four Circles Screen Lock

PublishedGoogle Play Store
Official Website
Contact[email protected]
Application Policy

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Knock Lock Embrace Secure Access with Four Circles Screen Lock

As this application gives a dependable screen and application lock it’s exceptionally useful for Any purpose.

This Knock lock-Applock not disappoint you and make your apps safe and secure. If any kind of suggestion you want to give, then please provide us. So, we make a better app for your use.
Thank you!!