Important Chat locker (Play Store Offer)

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Important Chat locker


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When we share many messages through social media platforms as text message, we have the idea that except for the person we are thinking about, his family and relatives should not see or read the place.

On the other hand, we think that no one else should take our mobile to see or read the news of our friends or relations that we can share. Let’s also assume that a good Important Chat locker is needed for this matter.

This will be a great article created only for likeminded people. Apart from that, the Important Chat locker application that you are going to see in this article is found through the Google Play Store.

Please Note

Note: We have given the information, photos collected from there below this application, see clearly and keep the text messages shared on your social media sites securely locked, read by others and protected from incomprehensible, we have also attached some other related articles in this website section, while traveling in this area you will have it.

Please note: All the information, photos, and downloads available below this article are collected from the Play Store, as of the date of publication of this article, and may change in the future.

Important Point: We selectively provide such applications through Play Store, because Play Store is a great Google website that works in the interest of users. However, please note that Play Store reserves the right to remove certain applications in our interest, subject to Play Store policies.

Play Store Details

App Size10MB
RoleChat Lock
Nowadays Installs500,000+
Offered ByRadiant.aj
Official Website
Contact[email protected]
Application Policy

This is an Important Chat locker Private Chat Lock App that adds a password to all your messaging, SMS, and chat apps on your device.

It does this by simply adding a 4 Digi Pin to enter any of your messaging and chat lock apps. Message locker ensures to safeguard your messages from anyone using or browsing your phone. Without the PIN no one can see your private messages.

This application with making your Chat more private this application allows users to make any personal person chat lock with a simple 4 number digit lock. save your private chat and lock it with a simple applying numerical code.

After installation, it will ask you to set a 4-digit PIN and will show the configuration options to block these apps.

You can customize auto-lock time, so you don’t need to enter the PIN every time you change a task on your device.

If you enter the wrong pin and your phone has a front camera, it will take a picture of the intruder and save it inside the application.

Main Feature Of This Application

  • Install application
  • Enable this application to use
  • Set your password 4 Digit Pin
  • Apply a hint in case you forget your password
  • Select your private contact to make secure
  • Save your contact as your private contact
  • Have a choice to change a password
  • If you forgot your password app will provide the option to get a hint
  • Deactivate your password

Do you forget your PIN? Don’t worry, you have a secret question that only you know to get back to!

Important: Accessibility permission – We are taking Accessibility permission to enable the chat lock service.

Note: This permission cannot read or access your message, so it is safe.

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How does it work?

WhatsApp Chat Lock 2023

It is important to note that it helps to securely lock the text messages that can be shared through social media sites so that no one but you can read them. Everyone needs it in this era.

How to download it?

You can go and download this Important Chat locker application through play store, you will get the correct update and you can download the original version, the way is given in our article, you will reach it while traveling through the article.

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Let’s talk about Important Chat locker!

In general, everyone prefers to communicate through text messages rather than face-to-face, which leads to more understanding and defuses anger. However, we think that some text messages that can be discussed within relationships should not be read by anyone but us.

This Chat locker article is submitted for those who want better help in this matter, even though some of these applications are not allowed to work with any social media platforms.

Still, they use such Chat locker App for their own need, it is according to their own choice and also after reading this article completely you can use it based on your own choice and recommend it to your friends.

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