Internet Manage App Download

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Note: All the information related to this internet management application that you see in this section is the information that is collected by play store and provided to you, in which we cannot bring this change.

Because these are the views expressed by the creator and we cannot make any changes. It is noted that there may be some changes in the future, depending on the update given by the developer of this Internet Manage application and the actions taken by the play store on it.

Internet Manage application has been released by play store with an aim to help the users and that’s why we recommend it to you.

So, keep scrolling and have a chance to go to the play store section to download the application after entering the information in the article.

Full Details Of Internet Manage App

App Size10MB
RoleBlock Internet Access For Apps
Nowadays Installs10K+
Released onMar 12, 2022
Offered ByKingdom Apps

Apps use the internet while we access the app. They may be used for ads or any other purposes. Using this app you control the usage of the internet on these apps.

You may block apps from using mobile data or Wi-Fi. Also, you can choose one that can be used only on Wi-Fi and helps you save mobile data.

More Details of Internet Manage App for Free

PublishedGoogle Play Store
Official Website
Contact[email protected]
Application Policy

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Internet Manage App

App Permission:

VPN Service: VPN connection is required for the core functionality of the app. The app’s core function is to disable internet apps for selected apps on the launch of those apps. To do so we need to use a VPN service so that we can block internet usage for those selected apps by the user.

Query All Packages: To enable or disable internet usage for that app or apps of the user’s phone, to get the list of installed application list, we need to use Query All Package permission and allow the user to select the apps to block the internet usage for those apps.

Accessibility services: To detect which app is launched by the user and to check whether the internet usage is disabled for that app or not, we use Accessibility permission. And if the user has selected the app to disable internet usage for the launch, we can show the user the alert for internet disabled for that app.

Draw Overlay: When a user launches any app that they have disabled internet usage, we need to show a Pop-up dialog with an indication that this app can’t use the internet over that app. For the display of that Pop-up dialog over the app, we need to use Draw Overlay permission.