Harnessing the Power of AI Keyboard App

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Note: At the beginning of the article, we want to tell you one thing that you have come to get the chance to download this application, all the information linked in this section are the opinions of the creator of this AI Keyboard App in the play store.

We take it as it is and we provide it to you, it is given as it is for your further understanding, and we have no right to change it as it is the developer’s opinion.

Play Store Details Of AI Keyboard App

App Size23MB
RoleAI App, Keyboard
Nowadays Installs50K+
Released onApr 13, 2023
Offered ByTappa Operations Inc

Express yourself like never before with AI-powered typing, hundreds of exclusive stickers, a vast array of perfect-reaction GIFs, user-first privacy, and a personalized display just for you.

AI Keyboard App

More Play store Details Of AI Keyboard App

PublishedGoogle Play Store
Official Websitehttps://www.tappa.com/
Contact[email protected]
Application Policyhttps://www.tappa.com/privacy-policy-keyboards
AddressTappa Operations Inc 43 West 29th Street, Floor 4, New York, NY 10001


Type with the Tappa Keyboard extension on any Android-compatible app, including popular platforms like Instagram, Messenger, TikTok, Slack, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Safari, Tinder, Hinge, Gmail, and more.

Switch seamlessly between apps, email, messages, and social media platforms with automatically saved TappaText writing prompts and topics.

Personalization & Style

  • Pick your preferred display style from dozens of fun and colorful themes.
  • Customize your keyboard to fit your unique needs by resizing and personalizing.
  • Select a typing language from 82 supported languages, including English, Spanish, French, and Italian.

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AI Keyboard App

Privacy: Keep all typed messages private and only share search data with our search providers for an improved search experience and only share your inputs with Tappa Text for an accurate response from the AI technology.

Download Tappa Keyboard for Android to upgrade your typing game across all your favorite apps. And Tappa Keyboard is a privacy-first mobile app from Tappa.