If you’re one of those excessive screenshot takers on mobile, here’s a surprise!
You can create a mobile frame png around the screenshot while sharing it with your friends. I am now going to offer you a great help in this excellent matter.
You can create a mobile frame png around the screenshot while sharing it with your friends. I am now going tWe will always take a mobile screenshot and share it as is, but the mobile experience will not be available in it, i.e. there will be no mobile frame around the screenshot.o offer you a great help in this excellent matter.
Sending a screenshot based on mobile frame png provides a very different viewing experience, giving you the experience of viewing the entire mobile.
Sending A Frame Around A Mobile Screenshot
We have searched many web sites with the aim of providing a better help for this matter and to improve the experience of mobile users
then we found a great screenshot frame application from the official web site Google Play Store.